Lóa Hlín Hjálmtýsdóttir was born in on February 4th 1979. She is a cartoonist, an artist, an illustrator, a writer, a musician and a playwright. Lóa graduated from the visual arts programme in FB, The Breiðholt Secondary School in 1999 and completed a BFA in visual arts from The Iceland Arts Academy in 2003. She studied illustration and comics in Parsons, New York in 2007-2008. 2016 she graduated with a MA degree in creative writing from The University of Iceland. Lóa is a founding member of the band FM Belfast since 2005 and is also one of the owners of World Champion Records.
Lóa‘s first comics collection was Generalisations About Nations (2009). In addition to illustrations in numerous books she has published short stories, comics and articles in various media, such as Iceland Review, The Guardian and Reykjavík Grapevine.
Lóa‘s work can be found in social media : Lóaboratoríum.
From the Author
Humour has no meaning for me if it isn't coloured by some kind of a subtext involving sorrow or disappointment. My career so far has been a mixture of fumbling and reactions to external stimulus. The subconscious is going somewhere but has not told me yet where. I do not have a clear goal for winning a prize or dreams that my apartment will be the tenement version of The Writer's Museum Gljúfrasteinn after I pass. I would not mind being more ambitious but chasing ideas matters more to me. Maybe I am just a sore loser, it is easy to be in a denial about ones own flaws.
Procrastination is the main theme in my work process. To get something done I do many things at one. This means I can shirk one project by working on another. Shirking and idling are necessary tools for me to avoid getting bored. Sometimes it is enough to feel like I'm shirking, then I manage to fool myself and think that I'm tricking my boss. I go to work every morning just like any office worker (unless I suddenly decide to make myself disappear, of course). The structure has to be in place to make it possible to run away from it and feel free. Also it is important to have a system because some days I am a megalomaniac and other days I am useless. The useless one is made to do the boring manual labour and tidy up the studio so everything will be clean and organised when the Emperor arrives with all the grand ideas.
2020 - Bookseller's Literature Award for best children's book: Grísafjörður
2014 - IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People) Iceland, a spring award: Saga um Nótt
2021 - Nordic Council Children and Young People's Literature Prize: Grísafjörður
2020 - Icelandic Literature Prize: Grísafjörður
2019 - The Reykjavík Scholastic Children's Literature Award for illustrations in Snuðra and Tuðra
2018 - The Edda Awards: Hulli 2
2015 - The Women's Literature Prize: Lóaboratoríum
2015 - The DV Cultural Award: Lóaboratoríum
2014 - The Edda Awards: Hulli 1
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