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Borgarbókasafnið Spönginni
Spöngin 41, 112 Reykjavík

The Icelandic Crime Wave | An authors talk with Skúli Sigurðsson

Are you interested in crime stories? The Reykjavík City Library Spöngin (Grafarvogur neighbourhood) offers a workshop in crime fiction writing on the occasion of the program The Icelandic Crime Wave. At the end of the workshop, a crime story writer and a price winner, Skúli Sigurðsson, visits and chats about his own writing and answers questions, from participants at the workshop and other interested. Sunna Dís Másdóttir, an author and the instructor at the writing workshop leads the discussions. The Icelandic Crime Wave is helt in a collaboration with The Icelandic Crime Syndicate (Hið íslenska glæpafélag) which celebrates it's 25th anniversary this year. More information about the The Icelandic Crime Wave program https://borgarbokasafn.is/en/icelandic-crime-wave The project The Icelandic Crime Wave is funded with a grant from Rannís Library Fund.