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Borgarbókasafnið Spönginni
Spöngin 41, 112 Reykjavík

The Icelandic Crime Wave | An authors talk with Yrsa Sigurðardóttir

Are you interested in crime writing? The Reykjavík City Library Spöngin (Grafarvogur neighbourhood) offers a workshop in crime fiction writing on the occasion of the program The Icelandic Crime Wave. At the end of the workshop, a well known crime story writer, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, visits and chats about her own writing and answers questions, from participants at the workshop and other interested. Sunna Dís Másdóttir, a writer and the instructor at the workshop leads the discussions. The Icelandic Crime Wave is held in a colaboration with The Icelandic Crime Syndicate (Hið íslenska glæpafélag) which celebrates it's 25th anniversary this year. More information about the Icelandic Crime Wave program: https://borgarbokasafn.is/en/icelandic-crime-wave The project The Icelandic Crime Wave is funded with a grant from Rannís Library Fund.