Elín Edda was born in in Reykjavík November 7th 1995. She is a writer, comic artist and graphic designer. Elín Edda graduated as a graphic designer from Iceland University of the Arts in 2018. In 2022 she graduated with a M.A. degree in creative writing from the University of Iceland. Her first graphic novel, Plantan á ganginum (The Plant in the Hallway, coauthored by her brother Elías Rúni) was published in 2014. Since then she has published three graphic novels taking place in the same universe : Gombri (2016), Glingurfugl (Gaudy Bird 2018) and Gombri lifir (Gombri Lives 2019). Her first book of poetry, Hamingjan leit við og beit mig (Happiness Came By and Bit Me) was published in 2016. Gombri was published in French by Éditions Mécanique Générale in Canada in 2019. In 2021 she collaborated with poet Ingólfur Eiríksson on the book Klón (Clone). She was awarded third place in Ljóðastafur Jóns úr Vör for her poem in 2022.
2022 - Third place in Ljóðstafur Jóns úr Vör
Gombri lifir (Gombri Lives)
Read moreGombri lifir er sjálfstæð framhaldsbók í myndasöguseríunni um GombraGlingurfugl (Gaudy Bird)
Read moreMig grunar að eitthvað hafi verið tekið frá mér – eitthvað sem ég veit ekki hvort ég hafi átt.Hamingjan leit við og beit mig (Happiness Came By and Bit Me)
Read morePlantan á ganginum (The Plant in the Hallway)
Read moreDag einn kemur hún afar sérstakri plöntu fyrir á ganginum í húsinuKlón : Eftirmyndasaga (Clone : A Story of Simulacra)
Read moreÞessi uppgötvun olli Samsonu nokkru hugarangri.