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Guðrún Helgadóttir Children‘s Literature Prize

The Guðrún Helgadóttir Children's Literature Prize was founded by the City of Reykjavik in 2018 in honour of Guðrún Helgadóttir, one of Iceland’s most prominent children's book authors. The prize is awarded annually for an unprinted children's or youth book manuscript. The objective is to encourage new and ambitious writing for children in Iceland.

The award jury is composed of three professionals nominated by the Reykjavik City Cultural, Sports and Leisure Committee, the Reykjavik UNESCO City of Literature and the Writers' Union of Iceland.


Ævar Þór Benediktsson for the manuscript Skólastjórinn (The principal). The book will be published in 2025 by Forlagið.


Kamilla Kjerúlf for the manuscript Leyndardómar draumaríkisins (The mysteries of the dreamland). The book was subsequently published by Bjartur/Veröld.


The prize was not awarded. None of the submitted scripts fulfilled the jury's requirements.


Margrét Tryggvadóttir for the manuscript Sterk (Strong). The book was subsequently published by Mál og menning.


Arndís Þórarinsdóttir and Hulda Sigrún Bjarnadóttir for the manuscript Blokkin á heimsenda (The Island on the Edge of the Universe). The book was subsequently published by Forlagið publishing. 


Bergrún Íris Sævarsdóttir for the manuscript Kennarinn sem hvarf (The Teacher that Vanished). The book was subsequently published by Bókabeitan.