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Fjötrar (Shackles)

Fjötrar (Shackles)
Sólveig Pálsdóttir
JPV útgáfa

About the Book

A woman is discovered dead in her prison cell. Detective Gudgeir and his colleagues investigate the complicated case that turns out to have far-reaching implications going all the way back to a massive earthquake, that shook Iceland in the year 2000, where a young man disappeared without a trace. What is the connection between these two cases, separated by nearly two decades?

SHACKLES is the latest of Icelandic native Sólveig Pálsdóttir‘s books in the stand-alone series of detective Gudgeir and his team. It tells the story of keeping up public appearances no matter what the cost and raises the question of how far families are willing to go to protect their secrets.


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