The autobiography, Einhvers konar ég, translated to English by Hallberg Hallmundsson.
From Myself and I:
The fact that I fell in love with Sigga the day I arrived at Gjábakki didn't prevent me from getting engaged to a totally different girl right the next day.
My fiancée's name was Lóló, and she was a year older than I. Snæbjörn was her grandfather, but she lived in Reykjavík like I did and stayed with her grandfather in the country during the summer.
She took me out to Réttarhóll, a mound just outside the homefield, and showed me the place where she played farm.
It was a major farming operation which she had partly inherited when the kids at Gjábakki grew up and ceased farming at Réttarhóll.
Lóló was a great farmer and right away began ordering me around, sending me to keep the stock grazing, while she took on the kitchen chores and said she would call me when dinner was ready.
I scattered sheeps' bones and shells conscientiously over a grassy spot and then hastened back home to see what Lóló was doing. She was busy cooking and baking and doing other household chores and received me coolly, saying I had to take care not to lose animals from my herd.
I told her the livestock was all grazing and could do that without my help, but I was progressive in thought, I said, and had a mind to take an electric line and even a telephone line to the farm and build a road and buy a Jeep.
Lóló asked if I had money to fund those projects.
I didn't have any money, and it actually hadn't occured to me that of course money is the driving force of any enterprise.
Then Lóló revealed what a prudent person she was, for she took out a little box and showed me. It contained a good amout of black seeds, which she said came from a flower called money flower. She hadn't figured on buying a Jeep just like that, but immediately saw that a good Willy's Jeep could revolutionize farming at Réttarhóll, and she urged me to go to town and procure one, even though it didn't have a solidly built cab and came only with a canvas cover. There was a pile of rotting timber behind the cow barn, and in an instant a little stub of wood was promoted to a Jeep.
This operation was off to a good start.