Beint í efni

By the Seaside

By the Seaside
Anna S. Björnsdóttir
Þýðingar á ensku

Úrval ljóða eftir Önnu S. Björnsdóttur í enskri þýðingu Hallbergs Hallmundssonar, Karls J. Guðmundssonar og Dags Gunnarssonar.

Úr By the Seaside:

By the Seaside

You come to an unknown shore
yet know everything
your eyes take in

and your ears hear a familiar ripple
that you have always missed

Beneath your feet
you feel the dream's softness
and the fragrance fills your senses
with a salty tinge

The sea with its regular billows
pounds your chest
the sea's heartbeat
is your own

and the taste on your lips
at last pulls you where
you had to go

to feel
the sea in yourself

and the sea in me

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